
Name Of Prepaid Payment Method

Spirit Stone


CTW Inc.
1-9-10 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Sengokuyama Mori Tower 29F

Possible Amount Of Payment, Etc.

No upper limit

Validity Period

180 days

Consultation Counter

Please contact us by

Where To Use

It can be used in G123 provided by CTW Inc..

Precautions For Use

Please note that CTW cannot accept returns, exchanges, or cash exchanges of Spirit Stones after the purchase is confirmed, except when required by laws. For more information, please refer to CTW's Terms of Service.

How To Check Unused Balance

After starting the game, you can see the balance from the diamond icon on the upper right menu.

Terms Of Service

For other Spirit Stone usage, please refer to the Terms of Service.

G123's efforts to ensure that Users can use the service safely

CTW Inc. ("CTW") has a viewpoint of consumer protection and compliance with various laws and regulations in game services for PCs/tablets/smartphones ("game apps"), mainly based on the problem of excessive game usage by minors, from which CTW is making the following efforts as a platform operation provider so that Users can use the Services safely.

CTW will provide a healthy environment to our Users not only in terms of systems but also in various ways in response to the rapidly changing and developing online game market.

1. Prohibition on the purchase of paid items for minors

To prevent payment issues for minors, G123 distribution prohibits the purchase of paid items for minors in all game services.

2. Prohibition on RMT

CTW prohibits "RMT (Real Money Trade)" in which game IDs and items are exchanged for real money and goods. RMT is cracked down on not only for in-game issues, but also for criminal issues such as fraudulent activities and unauthorized use of personal information used through RMT outside the game.

3. Prohibition on cheating

CTW is cracking down on the act of misusing game defects or using malicious programs, as it may upset the balance of the game and greatly impair fairness among users. In addition, since there is a risk that important data (personal information, etc.) in the terminal may be leaked to a third party by using an unauthorized program, CTW is urging users not to use these malicious programs.

4. Communication of rules and manners

CTW has established Terms of Service for G123 games so that minors and other Users can use them safely. CTW also strives to make clear rules and manners in-game and on the official website.

5. Clarification on Privacy Policy

CTW complies with laws and guidelines regarding the Personal Information Protection Law. CTW shares the types of information obtained from Users and the purpose of use in the Privacy Policy on the official website.

6. Inquiry Window

CTW has set up an inquiry window for each game so that CTW can deal with troubles appropriately. If you have any questions or inquiries regarding CTW's actions, please contact CTW from Support.

7. Efforts in addressing health issues related to games (especially the health issues of minors)

Online games have the benefit of "building a community between customers and having a good time". On the other hand, many papers have reported on the health effects of game addiction.

CTW believes that providing an environment where customers can play games at ease is an important role as a platform operator.

As part of this effort, CTW has welcomed Dr. Hideoki Fukuoka, an active doctor, as an advisory. Under the guidance of Professor Fukuoka, CTW is discussing the ideal form of service provision in consideration of health issues related to games, and is working to improve service management. CTW will keep users informed about specific measures.

In addition to the above efforts, CTW will strive to take the lead in tackling the problems surrounding various online games to lead a healthy market and create a better game environment where Users can play safely.